
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Ply split braiding

The concept of self-love is simple;  it just means valuing and caring for your own needs, wants and desires.

It isn’t about being selfish. 

It’s about making sure you make time to recharge and have the energy to be there for others.

I think women especially, are often kept busy caring for partners, elderly parents etc and run out of time to show themselves the same care.

I’m raising my hand here… I am guilty of juggling too many things and most often the person who misses out is myself.

By taking self-love as my word of the year, I’ve made a conscious decision for 2023  to be more intentional in taking better care of myself… keep my hands busy……even if it is just doing one small thing each day!

I loved braiding and have done many pieces from commercially made 4ply cords, found a cord maker online and ordered it in the month of November 2022, patiently waited till February 2023 and finally it did arrive (CRAZY) 

It took few days to get in the gear of making cords and finally copied a small motif from a museum piece from Salimbhai’s collection

Made from embroidery threads 
Size 1x2 inch