
Saturday, April 17, 2021

slow stitching differently

′′ Life can get too small when you look at it with the narrow look.

Boredom happens when you step away from the ability to delight yourself with the simplest things in the world."

Ana Alreadycomo 

Mindfulness looks differently to different people. For some, it might be sipping on an herbal tea and meditating, to others it might be just listening to some favorite podcasts or videos in the background. I’ve fallen in love with a new creative practice called slow stitching One of the best things about this mindful creative process is you don’t have to be perfect – not at meditation and not as sewing either!  

#makersgonnemake #handstitching #slowfashion #tangledupinthread #ihavethisthingwiththread #craftist #healingjourney #craftingismytheory #hunarthecraftinghands #stayhomeandstitch #createandinspire #workingwithhands